Thursday, October 23, 2008

Teppy and my other terrorist pals, 

Have you checked the morning polls? Whoa...outliers perhaps but I have readjusted my prediction of a 3-5 Obama victory to a 7-9 point forecast. Well over 300 electorals too. 

I do sincerely believe that the Powell endorsement was the coup de grace, or to put it in terms more appropriate to my m. o.: it was the fight ending kick to the nuts. 

Teppy, I have been SWAMPED but tonight, I will email you and others the exact Palo Alto restaurant for one week from tonight. I am looking forward to seeing you, and though it may turn out to only be you and me, we will have fun. I intend to bring my print copy of tnr and a camera. 

Cheerio, Ken aka thejauntyboulevardier, or the artist once known as mrcookie1


Sullydog................................ said...

The polls are indeed awesome. Indeed, the news has been almost too good. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop...presumably off Osama Bin Laden's foot.

Hope you guys have a great time. Wish I could be there. Raise a glass for me.

mrcookie1 said...


We shall.

Today's polls show some contraction but Gallup is holding firm.
