Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tep Endorses Obama

In a strange way, I think we all knew he would; Tep, the mighty Talkbacker who would not be persuaded, was finally convinced that Obama is not so bad.
I think David Brooks today articulates perfectly why I'm comfortable voting for BHO now.

Short version: this crisis has shown our political class, both left right and center, to be an army of either poltroons, whores or scamps, or some combination thereof. With such a dismal backdrop for a foil, Obama, whatever his leanings or calculations, shows none of these traits. He's an adult. He's calm, centered, intelligent. He's not greedy or self-aggrandizing.

In a forest full of midgets, Obama now appears ten feet tall.

Given the choices on offer, that's good enough. Not great, but about as much as we can hope for in an era of vastly diminished expectations.


1 comment:

Neil said...

Obama is in the right place at the right time - and I think Tep is right in focusing on the man's nature and style as critical factors in this choice. Of course, it helps that McCain has completely discredited himself with the Sarah Palin pick, and by his grandstanding and erratic response to the economic crisis.