Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Big Necessity

Rose George, the author of The Big Necessity, was interviewed by Leonard Lopate this week on his public radio program (WNYC-NY). George's subject is the global public health challenge of human defecation -- and it turns out to be a fascinating topic indeed. I thought some of my Talkback friends might enjoy hearing the interview.

As George points out, our access to sanitation is a privilege not enjoyed by billions of our neighbors on this planet. Four persons in ten have no access to sanitation (including 2 million Americans) - not even an outhouse. Compared with the health benefits of access to clean water, sanitation is twice as effective in reducing disease. Every 15 seconds, a child dies of diarrhea (90% of these cases are attributable to lack of sanitation).

UPDATE: I see that Brad Plumer posted on this topic at TNR's The Vine.

The Big Necessity: The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why It Matters by Rose George


Sullydog................................ said...

Yeah, and there was a piece on Slate yesterday. I mean a piece on this book. Not a piece of...well, you-know-what.

I'd be tempted to pick up the book and read it if I had more time and if it didn't mean I was consciously going out of my way to read a book about shit. It does look like we're well on our way to a Big Smelly Problem here.

Neil said...

Of course, much of the problem is in the third world, but even here we are doing a terrible job with public health in general and basic sanitation in particular.

As for the book, I am afraid to suggest that it might make good bathroom reading.

There, I did it anyway.

Unknown said...

My good friend started The Global Pediatric Alliance (want to give some money?!), a non-profit that goes into Latin America and teaches the local health workers the standard of care. It is a great mission, and Dr. Cohen, my buddy, is an awesome guy.

Anyway, he said that aside from the problem of feces is the problem of bad ventilation. That's right, cooking on open fires, inside your hut, makes for bad lungs. He says it is a huge problem.

Thanks Neil! And remember, if you have money to give, GPA is a good one!